Today... we want to take some time out to pray for this guy we unfortunately have to call a rapper. As if its not enough that you rap about killing people but this guy says....“Niggas so stupid, talking ’bout a change gon’ come.” he said in a recently posted video. “[Since] Obama been in office I done buried more of my niggas and more family than I ever did in my life. All he did was fuck a nigga money up since he been in office. Please get this nigga out of office.”
Another idiotic mixtape rapper who blames the president for the problems of a society gone bad. Instead of calling it what it is "personal responsibility" he's looking for someone to blame. I don't remember ever seeing the president putting guns in the streets or drugs in peoples hands, or poverty into their mentality, those were personal choices. Mr. Gates would not speak on his personal choice to feed into the negativity of the streets with his wack lyrics or murder, violence, drugs, and lets not forget incest which from his IG he is in full support of. We need to keep people like this off the radios and off the tv at all times.
The numbers are in and the deadliest profession is as a hip-hop artist!
Music to die for: How Genre Affects Popular Musicians' Life Expectancy, is the theory penned by Dianna Theadora Kenny, a professor of psychology and music at the University of Sydney. She examined the deaths of 13,000 pop artists musicians and looked for patterns such as if blues musicians kill themselves more often than metal musicians? or if country artists died younger than punk artists? Dianna later told Washing Post "People who go into rap music or hip hop or punk, they're in a much more occupational hazard profession compared to war. We don't lose half our army in a battle." This much i will say is true, you never hear about Pop Artists or Country artists being shot in killed in acts of violence. I don believe however that its the deadliest profession, Rockstars do a lot of drugs leading ultimately to death. It's not the genre, its the environment.Whats Going On?
If you haven't heard, 6 people were reportedly stabbed during a Migos concert last night. The trio had just finished there debut album earlier this week.
Now I get Migos trap culture, but they aren't a real pioneer on violence. N.W.A promoted violence, 2Pac promoted violence, Wu-tang promoted violence which could be a result of why so many concerts ended with a brawl of some sort but not Migos.
The music usually revolves around drug-dealing, women and going to clubs(Original. I know.) and the most iv'e ever heard about violence is in retaliation if messed with any of the 3 mentioned before. Albany PD first arrived at the scene at 12:50 AM and found two wounded victims, who were rushed to the hospital, shortly after two other stabbing victims arrived at the ER. The last two had non-life threatening scrapes.
Was Migos involved or even the reason for the stabbing? I highly doubt it.
Post by The Hip-Hopology.
The moment we've all been waiting for... It's officially Yeezy Season!
This beautiful ballad was the first released single from Kanye's 7th studio album "So Help Me God" and released on New Years Day. The song is written from the perspective of his mother Donda West who passed away from problems after surgery and is talking to Kanye about his daughter North West. The official video is below starring his daughter, but theres also a fan video circulating dedicated to his mother.
This next song will be track 1 on the new album and was released during the Brit Fashion Week where Kanye held a fashion show for his new collection with Adidas. This version sounds like a demo version/performance but knowing Kanye he could've wanted it that way. I also heard word that the finalized track is featuring Drake instead of Sia. The video below is the live performance.
Last but defintely not least Kanye shows us that Yeezus is alive in well in his single ALL DAY(stylized as #allday) . This song like "Wolves" was released during Fashion Week but this time i Paris. Kanye reportedly called in a favor from a friend who resides in Paris asking him to "bring 30 goons to mob on stage" (hence the album cover). This is a spitfire track that will mostly be heard in the club. The video below is a snippet from the video.
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Post by The Hip-Hopology.
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